Sunday, July 1, 2018

HCIC Ramadan Guests by Lucas Gambino & Ashfaq Taufique

A tradition has been established by the Birmingham Islamic Society over the past several years, as part of our outreach initiative, to open our doors during the blessed month of Ramadan to the non-Muslim community at large.

Most every evening during Ramadan, BIS hosted up to 30 or more non-Muslim guests in our multi-purpose room where such guests hear a short summary of our organization and community, as well as a presentation from our Imam and our youth on the 5 pillars of Islam and 6 articles of faith, before breaking fast with us, observing Salaatul Magrhib in the musullah, and then joining us for a private dinner, during which time our conversation continues with questions and answers.

During Ramadan 1439, our more than 300 guests ranged from groups and individuals representing local churches and girl scout troops, to members of the municipal cabinets of the Cities of Hoover and Birmingham, including Mayor Woodfin (Birmingham) and Mayor Brocato (Hoover). Based on feedback from our guests, we have found that this experience affords them an opportunity to learn the basics of Islam in an authentic environment and, perhaps more significantly, inspires them to become “ambassadors” of our faith when they leave our facility, since they typically depart with an much more accurate understanding of Islam.

In addition to our iftar visitation program, BIS has also catered actively and responded to the request from requests of various political candidates seeking to address our community, regardless of party affiliations, by providing them a forum to address our community, introduce themselves, and share their manifesto platforms. The community has proved very receptive by listening to these candidates and asking questions.

Our community is clearly evolving, as we are witnessing that an increasing desire among our community wants members to be more engaged in our society, in order to influence policy and become a stronger voice for the rights of us, not only as Muslims, but as American citizens...who happen to be Muslim.

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